Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Mean Red Ink Screenplay Examiner Blog post #1

                                                          The Mean Red Ink Screenplay Examiner
                                                                      Blog post # 1
     A hard life is filled with escalating conflict.   Jobs, family relations, and other events have escalating battles,  naturally.  When one becomes a writer it is to find a make-believe way to the happily ever after escaping these sufferings.  When one reads a novel, listens to a verbally told story, watches television shows or movies it is to indulge in pain.  When we listen to the news we delight in anguish in the world and our local communities. Yes, I do mean delight.  When we watch sporting events the athletes' suffering becomes entertainment. 

     A writer does a contradictory thing.  One writes to escape from "real life" with its issues.   A professional writer writes conflict profusely.   The pain is for the professional pen. Waikiki is for the worthless writer.  Mere circumstances on scripts never leave the script.  The audience wants to experience pain without experiencing pain.   They experience pain selectively in the time of entertainment.  Also, the audience does a contradictory thing.  How does one reverse these contradictions?  Give me a Pina Colonda to think about it.

     Now, if you are writing your first or fiftieth screenplay I can tell you how to increase the conflict in your particular story for the silverscreen.   Before you submit your screenplay in the appropriate venues you need someone who knows what Hollywood wants and demands from a writer.  I will scrutinize your screenplay draft word for word.   A reasonable fee is what I will charge.  My judgment is a learning opportunity for you to increase your knowledge and skill in writing screenplays.  More screenplays I judge the more you learn and develop your writing skills.  Tell your friends about this blog post promotion.  They will appreciate having the chance to read the blog.

     Here is my email address.  My name is Joshua Collins, The Mean Red Ink Screenplay Examiner.   Email me for more information.